
The American Legion

Department of Massachusetts, Inc.

RM 546 – 2 State House

24 Beacon Street

Boston, MA 02133-1044

(617) 727-2966

Email: deptadjutant@masslegion.org




July 16, 2024


Dear Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders,


Department Commander Nelson Blake’s banquet, will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2024 at Nonantum Post 440, 295 California St, Newton MA 02458.


A social will be held at 3 PM - Opening of program 3:45 PM - buffet will be open at 4:15 PM


Ticket donations are $ 50.00 per person and you need to purchase from your District Ticket Chairperson. Please make checks payable to American Legion Department of MA and mark “Tickets Only


Tables will be set for 10.

  • Cutoff date for Banquet Tickets is October 28, 2024 (Tickets required at door)
  • Audience Business Casual (trousers and collared shirt for men and appropriate apparel dress for women - please no jeans)
  • Best Western Hotel, 380 Winter Street, Waltham MA 02451

On behalf of the Committee, we thank you for your co-operation.


Yours in comradeship:

Co Chairman: Robert Desrosiers and Robert Lewis

Ticket Chairman: Lisa McPhee Dept. Adjt.

Ad Book Chairman: Louie Brault PNEC

Members: 10 District Ticket Chairman